Prayer & Bible study

Please see our calendar for details of when and where these activities take place.

On Line Prayer meeting

We have an online prayer meeting every Tuesday.

Please see the Calendar for details. 

Home Group

This is the place to come, if you want to dig deeper into the Bible and look at some challenging questions.

We always start with worship and prayer - and hot drinks too.

We meet every other Wednesday in someone's home, starting at 7.30pm and finishing at 9pm.


The ladies get together every Friday at 9.45 am to learn together from the Bible, over a coffee. We don’t just read what it says, we challenge each other to put it into practice.

We support each other too: praying for the things that are important to us individually and as a group.

All ladies are invited to join us.

We all go through tough times: in our relationships, at work, and in our homes.

Whatever else may be going on, we are always belovèd because our saviour Jesus died for us, and loves us deeply.

Mums in Prayer

God has given ladies a real burden for the well being of our children, and the children around us.

And we know that praying for our children is really important.

Mums in Prayer is a Christian prayer movement of mothers and other women who pray for children and schools.

There are currently 3 separate groups meeting during term time to pray for an hour.  For details please see the calendar.

We pray for individual children by name, their families, their schools and their teachers.

We are affiliated to Moms in Prayer International.

Link to the Moms in Prayer European website

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