Sermons By Date: 2020

25 December - Celebrations

This is the fourth message in our Christmas series - based on some of your favourite sweet treats.
Today we are thinking about Celebrations.
What is the similarity between the first Christmas (when Jesus was born) and this Christmas in 2020?
And what is the difference?
On both occasions, the government issued a decree that many people found very inconvenient.
But there was still great reason to celebrate, back in the day.
And there is still great reason to celebrate today - if we will turn to Jesus.

The Yeldall Manor Christmas Video can be viewed here

20 Dec 2020 - Heroes

This is the third message in our Christmas series - based on some of your favourite sweet treats.
Today we are thinking about Heroes.
Who are the Heroes of Faith in the Christmas Narrative?
How do Heroes of Faith operate?
And what happens when your plans are changed over-night?

The One 2 Free Christmas Video:  Click here to view it.  Best viewed on a Full Screen

13 Dec 2020 - Family Circle

This is the second message in our Christmas series - based on some of your favourite sweet treats.
Today we are thinking about Family Circle.
The Family is God's idea and we see the Family introduced in the 2nd chapter of the Bible.
In what ways is the Church a Family?
How can someone join the Family of Believers?

06 Dec 2020 - Galaxy and Milky Way

This is the first message in our Christmas series - based on some of your favourite sweet treats.
Today we are thinking about Galaxy and Milky Way.
And we start with a question:
Who, in the Bible, was told by God to look up to the Galaxy - to the Milky Way?
What can we learn from his reaction to the call of God?

03 Dec 2020 - Thought for the season - at our December Quiz

Are you ready for the Big Day?
What Big Day are we talking about?
Don't assume that we are talking about the 25th of December!

29 Nov 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

Would you prefer to live in a tent or a house?
How does this question relate to our present situation, here on earth?
What has God planned for eternity?

22 Nov 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - 2 Corinthians 4:4-18

Why can unbelievers not see the Light of the Gospel?
Paul says that we are like Jars made of Clay. What does he mean by this?
In what ways do our human frailties demonstrate the Power of God?
What are the Whispers of Eternity in this passage?

15 Nov 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - 1 Corinthians 16:19-24

What is the result of loving God in our lives?
And what is the result of not loving God?
Are we looking forward to Christ's return?

25 Oct 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - 1 Corinthians 15

Do you believe that Jesus was raised from the dead?
Do you believe that we will be raised from the dead?
Why does it matter?
And what will life be like in eternity?
Will there be bikes, trains, football and gymnastics?

18 Oct 2020 - When Things Go Wrong - The Life of Joseph

How do we respond when things don't go to plan?
The story of Joseph's life gives us a good example of how to face uncertainty.

11 Oct 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - 1 Corinthians 7 / 9 / 11

How much longer do we have here on earth?
When will Jesus return?
How should we view our families, possessions and feelings?
How should we view our careers, qualifications, hobbies, craft and sport?
Why is the celebration of the Last Supper such an important milestone for us as believers?

04 Oct 2020 - Harvest Celebration

Who exactly created everything?
What has God given us?
What does Jesus mean by the words "sheep without a shepherd"?

27 Sep 2020 - Belonging

The Church of Jesus is the best place to belong.
In this message we explore some of the many aspects of belonging, which are recorded in scripture with the words "one another" or "each other".

20 Sep 2020 - Lessons from the life and death of Stephen

As we look at the life of Stephen, and his martyrdom, we see an example of somebody who was faithful in proclaiming the gospel, whatever the cost, and whose death led to a scattering of the church, but with it a rapid spread of the gospel.

13 Sep 2020 - Following in the footsteps of Jesus

Peter identifies 3 things that will help us to suffer unjustly as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus

06 Sep 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - 1 Corinthians chapters 5 & 6

Choose your friends wisely
Choose your judges wisely

30 Aug 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - 1 Corinthians chapters 1 & 2

Which do you prefer:
    Me or us?
    Agreement or disagreement?
    God’s wisdom or the world’s wisdom?
    Foolishness or the Power of God?

23 Aug 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - Romans Chapter 13

Do we like to obey authority?
Are we living and loving - in the light?

16 Aug 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - Romans chapter 8

Do you struggle with feelings of condemnation?
How do you feel about obligations?
In what ways do you feel week?

09 Aug 2020 - Living by grace

The Apostle Paul starts and ends his letter to the Philippians by talking about grace.
Grace was so important to Paul and it must be important to us too.
How can we live by grace?

02 Aug 2020 - Can we give to God?

If God has created everything and if everything belongs to God:
What can we give to him?

26 Jul 2020 - What are you thinking about?

Our thoughts are churning away, all the time, at the back of our minds.
But what are we thinking about?
The Apostle Paul gives us some advice regarding the sorts of things we should be thinking about.

19 Jul 2020 - Don't worry... be joyful... in the Lord

How often should we rejoice?
When do we struggle to rejoice?
How is it possible to be at peace, when things are going wrong?

12 Jul 2020 - Agree with each other

Within the Church - we are brothers and sisters.
We work, witness and worship together.
Why do we need to agree with each other too?

05 Jul 2020 - What is your identity?

What do you invest in - so as to have an identity?
Do you see yourself in terms of your nationality?
Do you see your identity in terms of your job?
Do you see yourself in terms of your education, hobby or sport?
Where should we find our true identity?
What does the Apostle Paul say in our passage today?

28 Jun 2020 - Press on in Christ

Knowing Jesus is a marathon not a sprint, we must:
1. Press on in Christ…against opposition
2. Press on in Christ…alone
3. Press on in Christ….until the end

21 Jun 2020 - Grumbling

What are the advantages of grumbling?
How do you feel when you hear other people grumbling?
What does the Bible say about grumbling?
What did Paul advise the Philippians regarding grumbling?

14 Jun 2020 - Whatever happens

When Paul wrote this letter, he really did not know what was going to happen next, so he told his readers: "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel."
This short message contains four sections:

1. Whatever happens
2. Be united
3. Be like Jesus
4. Jesus is Lord

07 Jun 2020 - What does it mean to live?

Today we are starting to look at Paul's letter to the Philippians.
The letter was written during lock-down and yet Paul made numerous references to joy.
What was his secret?
What did it mean, to him, to live?

30 May 2020 - The book ends - the journey continues

We come to the end of the Gospel of John in this message.
The book comes to an end - but the call of Jesus continues.
Jesus asks a key question: Do you love me?
Peter asks a question too: What about him?
And there is a clear message for all of us: You must follow me.

23 May 2020 - Follow the science or obey the voice of Jesus?

Some of Jesus' disciples had been fishing all night long and had caught nothing.
Jesus spoke to them early in the morning.
What did he tell them to do?
How would you have responded if you had been in their situation?

16 May 2020 - Why?

Why did God the Father send his Son Jesus into the world?
Why did Jesus come into the world?
Why did John write the Gospel of John?

09 May 2020 - Devoted Thomas

How did Thomas react, when he had been proved wrong?
How do we react?
What can we learn from Thomas?
What can we learn about devotion?

02 May 2020 - Jesus appears during lock-down

Jesus' disciples were in lock-down.
What were they thinking?
How were they feeling?
Why were they afraid?
How did Jesus minister to them during lock-down?
What does Jesus offer to us during lock-down?

30 Apr 2020 - Training the next generation during lock-down

Are we teaching the next generation?
Are we training them?
What is the difference?
Why does it matter?

24 Apr 2020 - When God calls us by name 

Everything changes, when God calls our name.
Throughout history, God has been calling people by name and sending them out on a mission.
Is God calling us by name?
How will we respond?

22 Apr 2020 - Where can we dump all our rubbish - during lock-down?

We all know that rubbish and junk clog up our homes.
What about the rubbish and junk that clog up our hearts and minds?
And during this period of lock-down: what about something new to wear:
What about a new identity?

18 Apr 2020 - What did he believe? What do we believe?

What is the easiest thing, that we are called to do, as believers in Jesus?
What is the hardest thing, that we are called to do, as believers in Jesus?

11 Apr 2020 - Sounds in the Easter narrative

Sounds play an important part in the way we interact with the world around us.
Sounds are an integral part of the Easter narrative too.
Let's look at these sounds together.

09 Apr 2020 - What does a cross mean to you? What does the cross mean to you?

In a spelling test, a cross means that something is wrong.
On a birthday card, a little cross denotes a kiss – a way of saying that someone loves someone else.
When you go to vote – a cross means that someone has chosen someone else.
When we are doing sums – a cross means that something is about to be added or multiplied.
But what does the cross of Jesus mean?

04 Apr 2020 - Opening eyes... Entering in... Turning upside down

This is a special message for all the family as we celebrate Jesus entering Jerusalem.
We are all called to worship God - as his children.

01 Apr 2020 - When all the places of worship are closed

What do we do, when all the places of worship are closed?
Many people in our world, worship sport, music, food & drink and luxury.
How are they coping at the moment - whilst their places of worship are closed?
And what about us?
How can we worship the Living God - whilst being unable to meet, face to face?

28 Mar 2020 - Thinking, Speaking and Doing - at such a time as this

Every generation of believers has faced unprecedented times.
We learn from some famous names in the Bible - including Nicodemus.
Let's invite God to be Lord of our lives:
Lord of our thinking, Lord of our speaking and Lord of everything we do - at such a time as this.

27 Mar 2020 - What was Jesus doing, when he was twelve years old?

What was Jesus doing as a child and as a teenager?
What can we learn from him?
This All Age presentation is for children of every age:
Whether you are under 10 or over 80

21 Mar 2020 - Is this the end of the world? Is Jesus about to return?

How are we to interpret the changes that are taking place around us?
How should we respond?

20 Mar 2020 - The End of Isolation

Isolation is a very relevant word at the moment.
We are all keeping our distance in view of Coronavirus.
Many people are in isolation today.
And Jesus was isolated too: because he loves us.

15 Mar 2020 - A foreigner declares that Jesus is King

Pilate declared that Jesus is King.
He declared it in 3 languages - so that everyone could understand.
We are called to declare that Jesus is King.
What language are we going to use?

08 Mar 2020 - Three invitations

Looking at the invitations in Hebrews 10:19-25 (Let us...) to draw near to God, to hold fast to the hope we profess, and to encourage one another.

01 Mar 2020 - Who is your King?

Who is your King?
Who is our King?
Do we want to be ruled by a King?
Do we want to have someone ruling over us?
We look at 2 occasions when people rejected God as their King, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.
Do we want the Living God to be our King? 

23 Feb 2020 - Walking Faithfully with God - Walking by Faith

We don't get told much about Enoch in the Bible, but what we do get told is very profound: Enoch walked faithfully with God.
What can we learn from Enoch?
What does it mean, to walk faithfully with God?
What does it mean to walk by faith?

16 Feb 2020 - Four “what’s?” and a “who?”

In this message, we look at the account of Jesus before Pilate, when the Jewish leaders demand that Jesus be put to death - and we ask 5 questions:
What charges?
What had Jesus actually done?
What kingdom?
What is truth?
Who do we want to be released?

09 Feb 2020 - Do we need to hear it more than twice?

Are there things that God has been telling you for years - and you still have have not really got it?
We look at three things that Peter was asked, or told, three times over.
We touch on failure, humbleness, repentance, love, and restoration.
And, in that context, we end by asking: can we really continue thinking in terms of "them and us"?

26 Jan 2020 - Four signs of Jesus' blessing: four signs of good health

Jesus is sending us into the world with the message of salvation.
Today we see:
4 reasons for being sent
4 requirements of being sent
4 signs of Jesus' blessing
4 signs of good health
Which are all valid for disciples, groups and churches

05 Jan 2020 - What lies waiting down the line?

What will this new decade hold for us?
When was the easy decade?
Jesus makes it very clear that we will have trouble in this world, but he also assures us: Take heart! I have overcome the world.

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