Sermons By Date: 2021

25 Dec 2021 - Allowing the Good News to cause you Great Joy!

The angel told the shepherds that the good news will cause great joy to all people.
Are you allowing the good news to cause great joy in your life?
Are there any changes that you need to make, to truly experience great joy?

19 Dec 2021 - Eat, drink, and be merry! Or is there something more?

We have all heard the term: eat, drink and be merry.
Where does it come from?
Is it sound advice?
Is there anything else to life?

12 Dec 2021 - The Birth that changed the world

The annunciation of Christ and how the Birth changed the world.

05 Dec 2021 - John the Baptist

John the Baptist, The messenger, preparing the way of the Lord.

28 Nov 2021 - Jesus Came. Jesus Comes. Jesus will Come

Jesus Came.
Jesus Comes.
Jesus will Come.
Are we waiting for Jesus's return?
Are we praying for his return?

21 Nov 2021 - Jesus in the Old Testament 

People often assume, that Jesus came into existence, on that first Christmas, about 2,000 years ago.
But Jesus has existed since forever.
Let's look at some of the hints, glimpses and foreshadowing of him, in the Old Testament.

07 Nov 2021 - 2 Corinthians 4 - 4 Reasons not to Lose Heart

2 Corinthians 4 is an encouragement for Christians not to lose heart when serving the Lord feels hard, and seemingly rewards little fruit, but to trust in the Lord, knowing that we are engaged in His work, through His mercy, that our future is secure, and that God has chosen to use people like us who often feel weak and inadequate.

31 Oct 2021 - Satan in the Old Testament

What is Satan's most powerful tactic today?
We need to be aware of his scheming, because he has been known, to turn up:
In the Garden
At the Door
In the Office
Within the Hedge
Among the Ashes

24 Oct 2021 - Money: giving to God and to his Church

In this Q & A session, we look at 21 questions regarding money & goods, and giving to God.

10 Oct 2021 - Names or descriptions of Satan

Satan has many names or descriptions in the Bible.
What do these names tell us about Satan?
How can we be protected from within?
Can Jesus really live within us?

03 Oct 2021 - Only two choices

Life offers many choices.
But in Eternity, there are only two destinations.
Which destination have you chosen?

26 Sep 2021 - Harvest Celebration - The Parable of the Sower

What can we learn from the Parable of the Sower?
How does it relate to me?
What things may be causing me to be unfruitful?

19 Sep 2021 - Angels in Rebellion - Satan, the Devil and Demons

Many people believe the myth, that Satan is a cartoon character, with red horns and a pitch fork in his hand.
What does the Bible actually say about Satan, the Devil and Demons?
We look at 10 questions and there is an accompanying slide for each question.

12 Sep 2021 - Myths

Do you believe in Myths?
The Apostle Paul warns us against Myths and Old Wives Tales.
What Myths do we need to avoid?

05 Sep 2021 - 2 Thessalonians 3

Is you heart being directed into God's love?
Is your heart being directed into Christ's perseverance?
Are you busy... or are you a busybody?
Are we holding each other accountable?

29 Aug 2021 - 2 Thessalonians 2

Has the Day of the Lord already come?
Has Jesus already returned?
How could a wrong understanding of Christ's return, lead us into error?
And what about the Man of Lawlessness?

22 Aug 2021 - 2 Thessalonians 1

Do you want Grace and Peace?
Where are you going to get it from?
Are you thanking God for your Brothers and Sisters?
Have you thought about the Coming Judgement?
How can we be worthy of the Lord's Calling?

15 Aug 2021 - 1 Thessalonians 5

Today, we are talking about the Day of the Lord, and about preparing for the Day of the Lord - that is to say, the day when Jesus will return.
Are you looking forward to the Day of the Lord?
Are you preparing for the Day of the Lord?

08 Aug 2021 - 1 Thessalonians 4

Is there anything that we are doing, which God may want us to do, more and more?
In this message, we look at holiness and love, as we look forward to being with Christ for ever.

01 Aug 2021 - 1 Thessalonians 3

Have you ever been in a situation that you could no longer stand?
In our passage today, the Apostle Paul tells us what he did, when he could stand it no longer.
How do we differ from him?
What can we learn from him?

25 Jul 2021 - 1 Thessalonians 2

How did Paul behave towards the Church in Thessalonica?
Paul gives some very interesting answers, to this question.
He says that he was like:

  • A brother
  • A young child
  • A nursing mother
  • A father
  • An orphan

What can we learn from him? How should we be, towards each other?

18 Jul 2021 - 1 Thessalonians 1 

When did you last write a letter?
What did you want to communicate in your letter?
Today, we start to look at Paul's letter to the Thessalonians.
Here are some of the things that we will look at:
Grace and peace
Working for the gospel
Following examples - and being an example
And waiting for Jesus' return

11 Jul 2021 - Good News - first Sunday back in the building

Good News is for You
Good News includes Repentance
Good News is for Sharing
We've got to get the Good News Out

04 Jul 2021 - Colossians 4:7-18

Would you like to be part of the Grace Team?
In the last part of Paul's letter to the Church in Colossae, he mentions a whole list of people, who are part of the ministry.
They are a group of people, who we could call, the "Grace Team".
What can we learn from people like Tychicus, Onesimus, Barnabas, Demas, and Nympha?

27 Jun 2021 - Colossians 4:2-6

What are you devoted to?
Who are you devoted to?
Are you devoted to prayer and being watchful?
Are you devoted to being thankful?
What about proclaiming the Gospel?
Are you devoted to wisdom and making the most of every opportunity?
And what about your choice of language?
In just 5 verses, the Apostle Paul has jam-packed loads of essential teaching for us.

20 Jun 2021 - The Faithful Father

On Father's Day, we look at the test Abraham faced in Genesis 22 and how God remains faithful to his children.

06 Jun 2021 - Colossians 3

The Apostle Paul encourages us to set our hearts and minds on things above, which raises a number of questions, for each of us to consider:
1. How high are you aiming?
2. Who is your life?
3. What do you need to put to death?
4. What is your status?
5. What are you wearing?
6. What is ruling your heart?
7. What are you sharing with others?

30 May 2021 - Colossians 2

Do you feel like giving up?
The Apostle Paul challenges us to continue?
How are we going to do this?
What questions do we need to address along the way?

23 May 2021 - Colossians 1

Do you want the gospel to bear fruit, where you are and throughout the world?
What is the gospel?
What is grace?

16 May 2021 - The Full Armour of God - Encouragement and Prayer

The Apostle Paul tells us that we should pray all kinds of prayers.
Are all prayers valid?
Are all prayers helpful?
Are all prayers approved by God?
We look at 7 examples of how not to pray - followed by 7 great examples of how to pray.

09 May - The Full Armour of God - The Sword of the Spirit

Do you ever struggle?
Do you ever feel that you are in a battle?
Where is the real battle taking place?
What does Paul mean by the Sword of the Spirit?
How does this differ to a metallic sword?

02 May - The Full Armour of God - the Helmet of Salvation

Why do we need the Helmet of Salvation?
What is salvation?
What do we need to protect?
How can we lose our head?
How does it affect ourselves and others, when we lose our head?

25 Apr 2021 - The Full Armour of God - the Shield of Faith

How is Faith like a shield?
What does a shield do?
What does Faith offer?
What about extinguishing the Flaming Arrows of the Evil One?

18 Apr 2021 - The Full Armour of God - appropriate footwear

Are your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace?
What does that mean?
How does it apply to me?
And what about looking back?

11 Apr 2021 - On the Road to Emmaus

We dig into the story of the two men on the road to Emmaus who meet with the resurrected Jesus, and how we ourselves can wander that same path away from the truth.

The One 2 Free Easter Video:  Click here to view it.  Best viewed on a full screen

04 Apr 2021 - The Futility of Conventional Armour at Easter

During our Easter Celebration, One 2 Free and Beloved shared with us, some of the things they have learnt recently about the Armour of God.
We then went on to look at the futility of conventional armour, when compared with the Power of the Risen Lord Jesus.

02 Apr 2021 - Good Friday

Having read the Good Friday narrative from Luke's Gospel, we now ask ourselves an honest question: would we be willing, to give our own life, for another human being?

28 Mar 2021 - The Full Armour of God - the Breastplate of Righteousness

What has Palm Sunday got to do with the Full Armour of God?
What is Righteousness?
Is it even relevant today?
Where can we get it from?

21 Mar 2021 - The Full armour of God - the Belt of Truth

Do you ever feel that you are under attack?
Do you ever feel that you are in a battle?
The Apostle Paul warns us against the Devil's Schemes and encourages us to put on the Full Armour of God.
We look specifically at The Belt of Truth in this message and at an incident of the Devil's Scheming too.

14 Mar 2021 - Whispers of Eternity - Ephesians 6:5-9 - The World of Work

We focus today, on the world of work.
Paul addresses slaves and masters, and his teaching has been hotly criticised, over the years.
To really understand his teaching, we first need to understand the origin of work and to whom Paul is actually writing.
How does his teaching apply to us today?

07 Mar 2021 - Whispers of Eternity - Ephesians 6:1-4

How can children, live out their faith in Jesus, within the family home?
How are fathers called to be, towards their children?

28 Feb 2021 - Whispers of Eternity - Ephesians 5:21-33 

Why does Paul say that we should submit to one another?
How do you interpret Paul's teaching on marriage?
How does marriage relate to eternity?

21 Feb 2021 - Whispers of Eternity - Ephesians 5:1-20

In Ephesians Chapter 5, we find a wake up call to the Church.
God is calling us to live lives of love and to become a fragrant offering.
We are encouraged to live as children of the light, which means that we must have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness.
We are also commanded to encourage each other.

 14 Feb 2021 - Whispers of Eternity - Ephesians 4

God wants to equip his people for works of service.
Does that include us? Does it include you?
What does God want us to put off?
What does he want us to put on?
Is there anything else he wants us to put off?

07 Feb 2021 - Whispers of Eternity - Ephesians 3

Why was Paul prepared to face jail frequently?
What is the great mystery?
What does God intend to do, through us, the Church?
What are the four dimensions of God's love?
To whom should we be giving glory?

31 Jan 2021 - Whispers of Eternity - Ephesians 2

Who is the Ruler of the Kingdom of the Air?
What is the relevance of: Screen >>> Eyes >>> Heart?
God offers to make everything new:
New Life
New Handiwork
New Purpose
New Nearness
New Humanity
New Citizenship
New Dwelling

24 Jan 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - Ephesians 1

Did you know that God planned his Church, before the creation of the earth?
With that in mind: what responsibilities do we have today?

17 Jan 2021 - Whispers of Eternity - Galatians

Have you become weary?
Has the whole Covid thing left you exhausted?
If this is how you are feeling - you are not alone.
We understand you - we are feeling the same.
And God has addressed this in scripture.

10 Jan 2020 - Whispers of Eternity - 2 Corinthians 9 + 10

What do we mean, when we say, that we do not live by the standards of this world?
How can we operate differently to the world?
What does it mean to sow generously?
What does it mean to reap generously?
And what does God say about giving to his Church?

03 Jan 2021 - Quality Street

This is the fifth message in our Christmas series - based on some of your favourite sweet treats.
Today we are thinking about Quality Street.
When you think about Quality Street, does it bring back memories from the past?
Does it make you feel nostalgic?
But is nostalgia realistic?
Is there a Quality Street mentioned in the Bible?
What does it have to do with eternity?

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