Sermons By Date: 2022
What does the Bible say?
The birth of John the Baptist
The birth of Jesus.
Did your mum encourage you to steal from your brother or sister?
Is there a better alternative to deceiving and taking?
What about humbling ourselves before the Lord?
Can we believe, that he will lift us up?
1. Are we making the same Mistakes as our Parents?
2. Are we aware of the Battle for Living Water?
The Psalmist extols the blessings of unity.
Unity is hard to find today.
How often do we find unity in the Bible?
What will happen when we love one another?
What things can you learn from him?
How would you like to be remembered?
When should I start preparing for marriage?
Harvest reminds us to choose
Harvest explains evil
Harvest points to Jesus
Harvest gives us a job to do
What does it say when we pay?
What can we learn from Abraham's example, following the death of his wife Sarah?
We face many challenges in our world today.
Abraham was tested by God.
What can we learn from his situation?
How important is it to you?
What does the Bible say?
Are there any risks that we need to be aware of?
What could have spoiled their happiness, when he finally arrived?
Is there a sequel to this story?
1. All because they thought it was a joke
2. Would you make the same mistake twice?
3. The fear of the Lord
4. What a way to behave whilst waiting for the Lord’s return
It is not a joke
Don’t look back
Ask for mercy
And remember: Don’t look back
Is anyone righteous?
What did Abraham and Sarah discover?
How does it apply to us?
Why does God call it an everlasting covenant?
How is it relevant today?
Have you been on a scary ride?
Abram's journey of faith truly was a roller coaster ride.
How are you surviving the peaks and troughs, and the ups and downs?
Or will you dare to raise your gaze, to see all that God is promising you?
Why did Abram give him a tenth?
Why did Abram refuse to receive anything from the King of Sodom?
Where else do we hear about straps of sandals?
How do you make your choice?
How did Abram choose?
What can we learn from him?
Or should the people of God be teaching the world?
Are we living in the light of God's promises?
Are we living by faith?
What happens to our witness, when we give way to fear and doubt?
What happens, when we try to build a tower, to our own glory?
We look at 3 towers in the Bible.
What can we learn from these 3 very different towers?
We see 4 changes in Genesis Chapter 9:
1. In the Animal Kingdom
2. At the Restaurant
3. In the Sky
4. In the World of Work
How do these changes relate to us today?
01 May 2022 - Who Shut the Door?
We look at two questions today:
Who Shut the Door?
Who Opened the Way?
And we see, our God, being Hands-on, to bring us salvation.
24 Apr 2022 - Feeling downcast on the road
Today we read about two of Jesus' followers, who were downcast on the road to Emmaus.
We look at a number of questions that they faced back then, that are still relevant for us today.
17 Apr 2022 - School project at Easter
Imagine that you were at school, back in the day, when Jesus was crucified.
You were given a school project, to film and edit events in Israel.
What details would you include in your report?
15 Apr 2022 - Good Friday Message
Do you ever struggle, with the desires that battle within you?
How could Jesus say, to the criminal on the cross: Today you will be with me in paradise?
Why was the curtain in the temple torn in two?
Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, on a donkey.
Jesus is coming!
How are we responding to him?
(You may like to read John 11 & 12 before listening to this message.)
03 Apr 2022 - Why do we celebrate the Lord’s Supper
To reflect on the Lord’s Supper, and remember Calvary and rejoice for our future eternity
27 Mar 2022 - God's Heart and the Human Heart
What do you see, when you look around the world today?
What does God see?
What is the Heart of the problem?
20 Mar 2022 - Walking faithfully with God
What do you think about, walking with God?
Is it easy or hard?
Is it essential or optional?
What can we learn from Enoch?
When did the first world war take place?
When did the second world war take place?
We look at six features of war, throughout history.
We are living in terrible times among deceptive men in an apostate world, …is there any hope? But God has given us an antidote!
27 Feb 2022 - Cursed is the ground - Genesis 3 (Part 2)
Do you ever look at the news and ask - what is wrong with our world?
Ever since the time of Adam and Eve - the ground that we walk on has been cursed.
But Christ has redeemed us from the curse, by becoming a curse for us.
20 Feb 2022 - Something amiss in the Garden: Genesis 3 (Part 1)
How does temptation work?
What tactics does Satan employ, when tempting us?
What schemes did he use in the Garden of Eden?
13 Feb 2022 - Everything was very good but one thing is not good: Genesis 2
What is not good?
What did God do to resolve the situation?
Today we celebrate God's creation and the institution of marriage.
06 Feb 2022 - Order, structures, rules and boundaries in God's creation. Genesis 1:1 – 2:3
How do you view God's creation?
Are you aware of all the order, structures, rules and boundaries that God has put in place?
When God saw all that he had made, the Bible says that it was very good.
30 Jan 2022 - Let’s start at the very beginning: Genesis 1:1-5
What really happened in the very beginning?
We look at the opening words of Genesis, and the opening words of John's Gospel, to answer this question.
Where does God live on earth today?
We look at the Tent of Meeting in Shiloh and the Temple in Jerusalem, together with 2 of Jesus's prophecies, regarding the Jerusalem Temple.
16 Jan 2022 - Itching ears & tingling ears
The Itching Ear Brigade would do well to remember, the Living God who can make Ears tingle.
We look at the Apostle Paul's advice to Timothy, in which he mentions "itching ears" and also at God's words to Samuel, in which he mentions "tingling ears".
09 Jan 2022 - Satan in the New Testament
This is the final message in our series on Satan, in which we look at nine examples of Satan’s tactics in the New Testament.
And we need to be warned: He may use the same strategies today.
02 Jan 2022 - New Year - in the time of Moses
How do you celebrate New Year?
What do you actually celebrate at New Year?
In the time of Moses, God ordained New Year celebrations, which were full of meaning and significance.
What can we learn from them?