Series: Advent, Christmas and New Year 2019

Part 1: They may hate us too

Some people hated Jesus before they even met him.
They may hate us too.
Jesus said to his disciples, just before his arrest and crucifixion:
If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
And today, on the 1st of December, we see hatred, following Jesus, even from birth.
They may hate us too - but we are not alone:
Jesus has sent us an advocate: The Spirit of Truth.

 Part 2:  Adventus – Coming / Arrival

We look today at the many "comings" of God.
Many people think of God coming to earth, to Bethlehem, just over 2000 years ago.
But, in fact, throughout the Bible, God has been "coming" to our world.
What do people often try and do, when God is coming?
Human nature is to try and hide, but hiding never works.
Let's not try and hide - let's welcome him instead.

 Part 3:  Ten misconceptions

There are many misconceptions surrounding Christmas:
About Jesus and his birth at Bethlehem:
About who God really is:
And about who Jesus really is.
We take a brief look at ten of these misconceptions.

Part 4:  God changed people's plans

Throughout the Nativity Narrative we see people's plans changing.
And sometimes it was God who changed their plans.
Joseph, the Magi, King Herod and the shepherds:
They all had their plans changed.
How do we react, when God changes our plans?
There are really only 2 options:
To go with Gods plan
Or to fight against God

Part 5:  Leaving the sheep. Leaving the ninety-nine

In this very short Christmas message, we look at the shepherds who left their sheep, to visit Living God - lying in an object designed for animals.

Part 6:  Happy Renew Year

Will our world be any different in the New Year?
Will our world be any better?
Will we be any different?
Will we be any better?
God offers to renew our minds.
God offers us times of refreshing.

Part 7:  What lies waiting down the line?

What will this new decade hold for us?
When was the easy decade?
Jesus makes it very clear that we will have trouble in this world, but he also assures us: Take heart! I have overcome the world.