Series: Book of Titus

Part 1: Bringing the message home

Who is Titus?
Why does it matter who he is?
What are the fundamentals of the Christian faith?
What are the responsibilities of Elders?
How do we deal with spiritual error in the church?
What is our response to God?

 Part 2: The teacher and the taught

Why is sound doctrine important?
What should be taught to different groups of believers?
What example should mature Christians set?
How should we behave as employees?
Why is the standard so high for Christians?

 Part 3:  Do we still matter?

Does Christianity still matter?
How should we live in order to matter?
What is the importance of our witness?
Can we always please everybody?
Why is love, for all people, important?
How are people saved?
Why should we avoid needless controversies?